¿What does it consist of?
We will travel to Zarumilla, near to the border with Ecuador. We will arrive in Puerto 25 where we will board a rowing boat towards wonderful Mangroves of Tumbes National Sanctuary. We will pass through various “esteros”, channels that form among the mangroves like the Estero Zarumilla, the Estero Gallegos, the Estero Algarrobo and the Estero Paracas, where we will find four species of mangroves: red , salty, white and the mangrove button, as well as other 40 botanical varieties. These mangroves houses a great diversity of fauna: 30 species of birds, 14 species of mammals, 33 species of snails, 24 types of shells, and hundred fish species. Also, we will find a great variety of endangered birds and mammals like the “perro conchero”, the otter from northwest, the mangrove bear, amphibians and reptiles. This Sanctuary is considered as the most productive eco system in the world. Finally, we will observe the natural ecosystem from the Interpretative Bridge.
¿What includes?
Full Day
Entrance Fees
Calle Solitario de Sayan 741
San Miguel, Lima – Perú
Phone : + 51 1 6538045
+51 1 983515711
LUN – SAB 09:00 – 20:00