Experiencie: Experiential & Culture
What does it consist of?
Let yourself be captivated by the magic and Andean mysticism of Amantani Island which preserves temples dedicated to the earth fertility. Every corner is a source of energy and each single moment is a reason to celebrate and an opportunity to learn from locals. it is also a perfect place to watch the sunrise and sunset. Among the experiences that this beautiful island offers we can mention: participatory textile exhibition, participation in agricultural work, hike to ceremonial centers of Pachatata and Pachamama, boat rides, artisanal fishing and horse ride.
Calle Solitario de Sayan 741
San Miguel, Lima – Perú
Phone : + 51 1 6538045
+51 1 983515711
Email: reservas@latinamericantrips.com
LUN – SAB 09:00 – 20:00