Trujillo & Chiclayo
Experiencie: Aventure & Culture
What does it consist of?
We invite those who love the archaeology to travel back in time with the great Mochica Culture, which was developed during Pre Inca times on north coast of Peru. It has left many vestiges on its mud brick pyramids used as tombs. The most important remains are the Moon pyramid in Moche valley, the Dragon pyramid, the Lady of Cao and the Lord of Sipan. It mainly highlights its impressive architecture in high relief, its knowledge on metallurgy and pottery. Besides, they were also great hydraulic engineers in on the most deserted areas of the country. They still keep the artisan fishing tradition from Pre Inca times.
Calle Solitario de Sayan 741
San Miguel, Lima – Perú
Phone : + 51 1 6538045
+51 1 983515711
LUN – SAB 09:00 – 20:00