¿What does it consist of?
We will start talking about textiles in the world, the first raw materials and their history in Peruvian territory. We will travel through the textile history from cultures Chavin, Paracas, Nasca, Mochica, Huari, Sihuas, Lambayeque, Chimu, Chancay, Chuquibamba and Inca. We will see all the textile process necessary to create the breathtaking textiles the museum exhibits, since the raw material choice, the dyeing process, the yarn till the selection of the suitable looms. The Amano Museum exhibits in its two first rooms more than 120 pieces of textiles which involve all the cultural development of ancient Peru. The final space of the exhibition shows its famous drawers containing more than 460 pieces of Chancay textiles from Mr. Amano’s private collection.
¿What includes?
Entrance Fees
Calle Solitario de Sayan 741
San Miguel, Lima – Perú
Phone : + 51 1 6538045Â
        +51 1 983515711
LUN – SAB 09:00 – 20:00